From Nha Trang to Da Nang

Train is a very good option to travel from Nha Trang to Da Nang. There are 7 daily trains run on this route. They depart from Nha Trang at 3:21 am, 4:54 am, 8:30 am, 1:33 pm, 4:23 pm, 8:04 pm, and 9:51 pm. The distance between the railway stations in the two cities is 524 km, and time for travelling is around 10 hours. The ticket price is ranged from $28 to $40, depending on the kind of seat you choose.

transportation guide from nha trang

You can purchase the ticket online (recommended website: ) or go to railway station, choose and buy a seat you want and get the paper ticket right after booking; However the ticket might be not available if you book too late so you’d better book it in advance. The railway station in Nha Trang City is located on 17 Thai Nguyen Street, Phuoc Tan District. And the railway station is Da Nang City is located on 202 Hai Phong Street, Thanh Khe District.
Sleeping buses from Nha Trang to Da Nang depart around 7:00 pm and arrive at 6:30 am next day. So you will spend almost 11 hours for a 512.7 km journey. The average ticket price is $20-$22. This is the cheapest way to get from Nha Trang to Da Nang. Most of the hotels in Nha Trang City are closer to the bus office in city centre than the train station.
Another option is taking plane with Vietnam Airlines, there is only 1 flight daily. It takes only 1 hour and 15 minutes, cost is from 90 – 110$ per ticket.

From Nha Trang to Hue

Like from Nha Trang to Da Nang, train is also a top choice to get from Nha Trang to Hue since Hue is not very far to Danang City. The daily trains also depart at 3:21 am, 4:54 am, 8:30 am, 1:33 pm, 4:23 pm, 8:04 pm, and 9:51 pm from Nha Trang train station. But it takes a bit longer to get to Hue than to Nha Trang, around 12-13 hours travelling. And the ticket price is a bit higher, from $32 to $45 for each.
Bus can be a very good alternative if you don’t want to travel by train or you are not lucky to buy a suitable train ticket. Sleeping buses from Nha Trang to Hue depart daily at 7:00 pm and arrive to the bus office in Hue City at 11:30 am the next day. The ticket can cost around $32.

From Nha Trang to Dong Hoi (Phong Nha)

transportation guide from nha trang

Train from Nha Trang to Dong Hoi is a bit more limited. There are only 5 daily trains from Nha Trang to Dong Hoi which depart at 3:21 am, 4:54 am, 1:33 pm, 4:23 pm, and 9:51 pm. It takes around 16 hours for this route and the ticket price is from $39 to $55. Once you get to Dong Hoi, you should take the local bus or taxi to Phong Nha. It takes around more than 1 hour drive (45 km)
Or you can take a sleeping bus to travel from Nha Trang to Dong Hoi. The bus will depart at 7:00 pm from Nha Trang bus office and arrive at Dong Hoi at 4:00 pm on the next day. It is a long journey. But the ticket price is cheaper than the train ticket, it is around $35.

From Nha Trang to Ninh Binh

There are only daily trains run from Nha Trang to Ninh Binh. They depart at 4:54 am, 1:33 pm, and 4:23 pm. The seats are limited, you can only choose the soft sleeper class for most comfortable. And its price from $65 – $68. It can take around one day to travel from Nha Trang to Ninh Binh, so the soft sleeper is also the best option since you can have a good sleep for such a long journey.
If you choose to travel by bus, it is even a longer journey. You may spend 34 hours travelling. They depart daily at 7:00 pm and arrive at 5am Ninh Binh two days later, and the ticket price can be around $38.

From Nha Trang to Hanoi

A lot of tourists choose to travel from Nha Trang to Hanoi since they want to see the beautiful sight-seeing of Vietnam along the way. And it is also a safe trip. You can choose to depart at 3:21 am, 4:54 am, 1:33 pm, 4:23 pm, or 9:51 pm, and you will arrive at Hanoi train station after around 26 hours. The ticket price can be from $53 (for a soft seat) to $74 (for a soft sleeper).
Open bus can also be an alternative. These buses will depart from Nha Trang’s bus station at 7:00 and arrive at Hanoi bus station at 8:15 am (+2). So it is a 37 hour journey. It costs around $40 for one seat.
The best way of course, is taking plane. There are several flight times per day, you can book with Vietnam Airlines or Viet Jet Air.

From Nha Trang to Da Lat

Bus is the best way to get from Nha Trang to Da Lat. It is cheap and fast. You can take a bus from Nha Trang at 7:00 am and arrive in Dalat at 12:30 am, or at 12:15 am and arrive in Dalat at 5:30 pm. The ticket price is only around $11.

From Nha Trang to Mui Ne

To get directly from Nha Trang to Mui Ne, you should choose a bus. Bus will drop you right at your hotel in Mui Ne and you don’t have to spend more money and time for travelling from the train station or airport to your place. These buses depart daily at 8:00 am and 8:30 pm. It will take you to Mui Ne after only 4 hours and it costs around $12 for a ticket on the sleeper bus.

From Nha Trang to Saigon

There are many ways to travel from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Minh city. You can choose to travel by plane, train, bus, or private car, etc.
Train can be a very good option because tourists will have a chance to enjoy the stunning sightseeing outside, from the large rice fields, great mountain to amazing blue sea. There are 9 daily trains run on this route, they depart at 8:39 am, 10:51 am, 6:19 pm, 7:21 pm, 8:10 pm, 8:43 pm, 9:12 pm, 10:03 pm, and 10:26 pm. It is a 7-9 hour journey, and most of the trains travel at night so it is highly recommended to book for a soft sleeper so you can have a good sleep on the train. The ticket price ranges from $25 – for a soft seat to $42 – for a soft sleeper.
Another way to get from Nha Trang to Saigon is by bus, it is cheaper than train. It will be a 10 hour journey and you will depart from the bus station in Nha Trang City at 8:00 am or 8:00 pm. A ticket can cost around $18.

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