Overview of Ho Chi Minh Weather:

Ho Chi Minh City, also be called as Saigon, is the biggest and most prosperous city in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh weather  has a tropical climate with two major seasons which are wet season and dry season. In general, Ho Chi Minh weather has high temperature through the year with the average temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.


Ho Chi Minh Weather by season:

The rain season lasts seven months from May to November, and the wettest month is September. For those who do not like too much rain, this month should be avoided. The typhoon season may occur from July to November with violent tropical storms. On the other hand, the dry season is from December to April, and February is the driest month. In summer, the weather is very hot, and it is hottest in April when the temperature can reach up to 39°C at noon. In contrast, December is the coolest month in a year, since it can fall to 16°C in the morning.

Ho Chi Minh weather – Best time to travel:

Most tourists visit Ho Chi Minh City in the dry season (from November until March). In this season, the weather is cool and dry which allows them to enjoy the fullest and not to be disturbed by rains. There are many wonderful places to visit in Ho Chi Minh City. District 1 is famous for high-rise building, shopping centers, café shops, and bars for entertainment purpose. If you want to understand the history of Sai Gon, you can visit historical heritages such as Dinh Thong Nhat and Bao Tang Cach Mang Vietnam. In case that the tourist wants to celebrate and enjoys Christmas, so they should visit Ho Chi Minh City in December. It can be said that anytime of the year is the good time to visit Saigon. Even though in rainy period, it rains heavily, it is only short time, so it could not be a reason to stop you exploring Ho Chi Minh.

See more other attractions around Ho Chi Minh city: Cao Dai Temple; Cu Chi tunnels; Nam Cat Tien National Park; Suoi Tien park; Dam Sen park; Dai Nam park; Can Gio Mangrove forest; Binh Quoi village; Cai Be Floating Market; Cai Rang floating market; Phong Dien floating market.